In my last post, I had mentioned that copper may reach 280-290. The correction to the previous fall seems to be over. It is expected that copper may continue to rise to 386 odd levels to test the high made on 17th and then fall. (Looking at the international markets on 20th opening, seems that 386 will be surpassed easily and what the readers should look at is 395-396 levels for shorts. Any higher and it will cause a break out). This fall could be the final assault by bears and may take copper towards 280-290 or may be lower. The low is expected to come around December this year. The expected values are 320 (highly probable), 280 (moderately probable) and 230 (probable in extreme circumstances.
What I will be looking at is 280-270.
Readers would be better off, if they draw channels for the fall and monitor a breach on the higher side for an exit if it does.
What I will be looking at is 280-270.
Readers would be better off, if they draw channels for the fall and monitor a breach on the higher side for an exit if it does.
All the best.